Pasadena, California (AFP) - The experts aeronautics at California Institute of Technology, typically examine the differences aerodynamics on the car or telescopes on high-tech wind tunnel.

But on Wednesday, they tested the other object than usual, namely Jabulani, the official soccer World Cup this year's controversial.

Jabulani clamorous controversy around this - either on the ground or in cyberspace - trigger a Nobel Prize scientist at the institute is to examine the differences between the traditional ball and Jabulani.
Both balls inserted into the Lucas Wind Tunnel.

Wind-powered 10 meters per second blown into the hallway, much slower than kick the ball. A smoke machine is used to visualize the movement of air around the ball.

How did it go? Like most of the match in the World Cup currently being held in South Africa, a tie.

Aeronotik Caltech assistant professor Beverley McKeon said it was difficult to tell where the ball better.

But he stressed that a smooth surface Jabulani produce fewer prisoners so that its movement is more difficult to predict.

Jabulani created by manufacturers of sports equipment are made without a seam that Adidas has a softer surface. While the long ball has a deeper groove between the panels, causing a more turbulent air movement.

"It's very unreasonable, but the more rough the ball, the more predictable lesatannya," McKeon said, adding that softer balls that move at high speed will not move straight.
Complaints World Cup
This finding was in line with grievances in the World Cup. Players, coaches and supporters pointed to a bad game Jabulani is largely responsible for the team and the direction the ball is strange.

Spain Striker Fernando Torres, including one who complained about the quality of the ball after he had several times failed to read the motion of the ball and missed a chance to break down the wicket, although his team eventually won 2-0 against Honduras in Group H match on Monday.

"We need more time to practice using the Jabulani because we handle a little adversity," said Torres.

However, amid all the controversy and the test results Caltech, Adidas still on his conviction that the new ball had met or exceeded the standards of FIFA, and test results of Loughborough University is scientifically proven that it moves the ball stable and has a laser-like precision.

McKeon recommends the players to devote more time to adapt to the Jabulani.

Like other scientists, he said that further testing is necessary to consider other factors such as rotation and increased speed.

But personally, he has his own opinion about the failure of England goalkeeper Robert Green caught the ball during the opening match 1-1 against the United States. "Of course, I blame the ball," he said. (S022/A008)

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